On these cold, long winter days, I look at photos of us kayaking the wild rivers in Florida, hiking through meadows of wildflowers in the North Cascades, and biking on Lopez Island. I once again delight in the fabulous multi-hued landscape of southern Utah and the flamboyant sunsets of the Gulf Coast. I peruse the remarkable array of birdlife that we’ve seen, from tiny colorful songbirds to boisterous nesting colonies of egrets and spoonbills. I remember the delicious crawfish we had in Cajun Country, and the excellent paella in Boise.
Reflecting back on yet another year of travels, I’m amazed at all that we’ve done—and I’m extraordinarily grateful that we set out on this journey three-and-a-half years ago.
I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t admit to moments when I wonder if we’ll really be able to get back out there (“there” meaning back on the road, embracing whatever adventure captures our interest). We’re told that this is a normal part of the healing process—it takes time to heal emotionally and spiritually from a radical life event, just as it takes time to heal physically.
All in all, we’re doing pretty darned well. Eric had his two-month follow-up appointment yesterday with the cardiologist, and he passed with flying colors. Another couple of months, and we should be back to our pre-falling-off-the-cliff definition of normal. Yay!!
As we reminisce over our photos and our adventures, I am reminded yet again of how important it is to follow the thread of our dreams, so that those dreams become reality, and then become wonderful memories. And I envision us back out there, doing what we love, and making more memories.
Click on any photo for larger image

Fantastic collection of photos AND memories. That photo of the egret with chicks is absolutely wonderful. Hope to see you out ‘there’ real soon, doing what you love doing.
Thanks, Ingrid—the photo of the egret and chicks is one of my favorites, too. You would love the birding extravaganza on High Island!
Last summer my very favorite of all my outdoor adventures was a “walk” (easy) not a hike around the entire MONO LAKE, CA Took over 400 pictures using 2 cameras & memory cards. Saw tufas only less than 1.0% of public would ever see. Met two cattlemen or sheep men! Far east side were two herds of sheep each about 100. And 2-3 dogs per herd. Will see them again this summer…..
Posted many of the pictures on Facebook and Mono Lake Conservatory & Mono Lake Park shows them daily to the public.
PS: cannot remember if I told U about this before.
That sounds like quite a wonderful photo adventure, Bob. We’ve visited Mono Lake several times—the last time we were there (Fall 2015) we photographed the lake at daybreak. It was cold, but spectacular! Next time we’re there we’ll look for your photos.
Paella in Boise… who knew??? Your photos are stunning! You sure covered a lot of ground in one year and really seemed to get a taste of it all. So inspiring. We’re rooting for you guys to get back out on the road soon! I could look at pictures like these all day long!!
Laura, Boise is one of the most fun cities we’ve visited.The biking is a blast, and the food is fantastic! There’s a Basque community in Boise, hence the paella. So glad you enjoyed the photos.
Such beautiful pictures, and SO happy to hear Eric is progressing so well.
Thanks so much, Nina. Eric is doing really well. :-)
Your pictures are fantastic, every single one of them. I don’t know how you do it. You certainly had a wonderful and varied year in 2016. Can’t imagine how long it took to pick these pictures out. Did you pick at least one from each place you stayed? You’ve given me a new idea for how to do a year in review in a single post, just put all the pictures and label them. Not sure that would take less time than what I did but I certainly did enjoy this. Thinking of you and Eric and so happy to hear that things are going so well for him. What a view you have to aid in your healing.
Sherry, it took me far too long to pick out photos, but I enjoyed looking through them and reminiscing. There aren’t photos from every place we stayed, but just an assortment of some of the highlights. I left out a lot in an attempt to keep the slideshow somewhat under control! (You understand how challenging that is. :-))
As always your words and photos take me there and generate a huge desire to get the home on wheels and follow in your footsteps! For now it is lovely to have a creative playmate while the healing continues!
Diana, I hope you get that little home on wheels so we can adventure together! For now, I’m happy to be here with you doing creative projects. I think there’s still a few hundred pounds of art projects I can add to the trailer….
We are so happy to hear that the recovery is going well and are looking forward to intersecting somewhere along the journey. Love to you both, R&K
Thanks, Riley and Karen. We are definitely looking forward to meeting up with you two, hopefully sooner rather than later. We have some catching up to do. :-)
The beauty of keeping a blog…easily reliving your travels! I too have been surfing our travels…it is a great way to avoid the news when I don’t feel like getting all stressed out!
So good to hear Eric is doing well. Wishing you a continued excellent recovery.
I’ve been enjoying reliving our travels, too, Lisa. You’re right—it’s a great stress reliever and always makes me feel happy and grateful. Thanks so much for your good wishes. Hope you and Hans are doing well, and that we can meet up with you in the spring.
I love all of your pics. The sunset and the Utah pics are 2 of my favorite. Your birds pics are just incredible.
We are glad the check up went well and the here’s to hoping the next few months fly by!
Thank you, Beth. It’s fun to relive our adventures through our photos, and to envision ourselves back out there on the road. Meeting up with you and Perry was another highlight of our year! We’re staying nice and cozy thanks to your gift of the big propane tank. oxoxo
Looking back makes a person’s head spin to see how fortunate we have been to see so many places and do so many things over the past year. You are living an amazing life and we enjoy following you along the way. Might as well have an amazing life while we are here on this earth.
Well said, Debbie—like you, we believe in fully embracing this amazing journey of life. And we’re very aware of how fortunate we are to be able to live our dreams. We enjoy following your adventures, too!
Beautiful memories and I know there are new roads ahead for you two to investigate:) We are planning to visit several of the places you visited in the northwest!! I will be using your post for information, for sure:) Soooo very glad that Eric’s check up went well!!! Wahoo!! Keep up those walks and building strength while the healing takes place. Thinking of you both:)
Thanks, Pam! We’re thrilled with Eric’s progress and so are the doctors. :-) We have many new roads to explore, as you said (just no more detours like this last one, please). You guys are going to love your travels in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe we can even meet up in a few places! We’re going to head up the Oregon coast mid-May, spend June on the Olympic Peninsula, and then spend July and August on Lopez.
So glad Eric is doing well. I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit, wanting to get back on the road. Love revisiting places you have been. I’m inspired to finish up with our summer trip on my blog!
Take care,
Pam, with Eric doing so well, we’re just now starting to feel excited about our future travels. We still have a ways to go, but feel certain that by mid-May we’ll be ready to get back on the road. Yay!! I have a few more blog posts to catch up on before we start traveling again, too. :-)
As we’ve come to expect, this collection of pictures is fantastic. Thanks for taking us back with you. Every so often I love to go back and look at our pictures and relive the adventures.
So glad to hear that Eric is doing well and that your thoughts are still “on the road”. This too shall pass and we hope to cross paths when it finally does!
I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos, Sue. It really is fun to reminisce over our adventures—and we don’t often have the opportunity to do that when we’re busy traveling. We’ll go out of our way to cross paths with you guys when we get back on the road. :-)
I like your year in review, short and sweet! I’m sure choosing the photos for the highlights may have been a task but for sure brought lots of memories. There are so many places I still want to explore and you have given me plenty to choose from. Still we don’t know our route this year.
Glad to hear Eric is mending fast. Hopefully will see you down the road somewhere if not this year maybe next year.
Fantastic photos in review.
ML, my new motto for blog posts is “short and sweet.” I hope I can keep to it. It did take a while to look through the photos, but it was fun to reminisce over the past year (December, not so much). It will be great to meet up with you guys again—next time, for a longer visit.
Your photos are stunning! We’ve been many of the same places but it’s always inspiring to see those spots through different eyes (and camera lenses). My list of places to see someday just got longer. We have spent some time in the Boise area the last few travel seasons — please share the name of the restaurant where you found great paella, which I haven’t had since Michigan (believe it or not).
Ellen, we found the food in Boise to be outstanding! The paella is very good at the Basque Market—it’s a fun event where they make paella a couple of times a week (outdoors in nice weather). Other places not to miss: Bleubird Cafe downtown, and Cloud Nine Brewery (excellent food and microbrews). There’s more info in our post on Boise. Thanks for your nice comment. :-)
What a wonderful collection of photos and memories!!
Yes the healing process demands time and patience. I totally relate to the impatience…I struggled with it as well after breast cancer surgery. Before you know it you will be back on the road again. Sounds like you have exciting plans coming up!
Thank you, Peta. You understand well the challenges of facing a significant health crisis. And you certainly haven’t let it hold you back! We’re looking forward to our upcoming travel adventures, and at the same time are enjoying our extended stay in our hometown—it’s pretty sweet having this much time with our community of friends here.
Am sending your blog to my sister in law contemplating / dreaming of this lifestyle.
Thanks for being so inspiring. You guys are the best!
Awww…thanks so much, Peta! You guys are incredibly inspiring with your exotic adventures. If only I had the opportunity to live parallel lives—I’d be doing what you’re doing as well as what we’re doing. :-)
Once again I find myself woefully behind in reading my friends’ blogs, not to mention blogging myself. Life has a way of taking over, especially in this new environment we find ourselves in. We are so pleased to hear of Eric’s progress, but not at all surprised. Looking forward to bringing myself up-to-date with your plans for 2017. Looks like we are heading to Yellowstone this summer.
LuAnn, Yellowstone sounds wonderful! Hope we can meet up with you in September.
You know all the beautiful, scenic places! And always there at the right time. Just lovely.
It was another wonderful year, Loretta. We generally do seem to have good fortune being in the right place at the right time—including being in Ashland when Eric needed his surgery.