As always, it required supreme effort to break free of the gravitational pull of home. It doesn’t matter how much planning we do, or how far ahead we start the preparations for a trip. We never, ever leave when we think we’re going to leave.
This time, we were three days behind schedule. Sounds ridiculous, right? But there were extenuating circumstances. (There always are, haha!)
Leaving Home Is Never Easy
This leave-taking was especially fraught, even though we started well in advance to prepare for our trip. I made all of our reservations (41 of them!) months ago. We cleaned and prepped the trailer and truck, set up yard maintenance, installed a new security system.
For two months, UPS came roaring down the driveway weekly. A new grill. A stash of Magnolia’s favorite food. A smaller impossible pet pen. (Remember the saga of the giant one?) It’s no easier to fold up than the extreme version, but at least it doesn’t take up so danged much space.
We realized last year that Magnolia doesn’t care what size her pen is. She just sits in one corner, observing whatever wildlife happens to pass by and enjoying the outdoor sights and smells. She loves her pet pen and begs to go out to sit in it.

Eric and Magnolia enjoy sitting outside in the morning observing the birds
Other purchases delivered courtesy of UPS: New hiking gear. New stainless steel lunchboxes. A new backpack for me. And six separate deliveries of underwear, because there is apparently no longer quality control in sizing. I ordered the exact same French cut underwear I’ve been ordering for years from Bali, and received some that were two sizes too small and some that came up to my armpits. What the heck? I finally got it sorted out, but it required boxing up five of the shipments and sending them back. That was annoying and time consuming.
Ready To Go? Not.
We thought we were in pretty good shape to leave on Thursday. But there were a couple of big things that came up. First, our windows. We’ve been waiting for them since last July. Of course, they arrived right before we were leaving, and needed to be installed instead of sitting around in the warehouse.
Two painfully noisy and extremely messy days later, we had new windows throughout the house. Instead of leaving on Thursday, we spent two days scraping stupid stickers off of the windows and re-cleaning the house.

I was so tired that I forgot to take photos of the new windows.
In the last week, we also finalized our plans for the environmentally friendly rock breakwater that will be installed to protect our shoreline. It’s going to take place while we’re away, which is a little unsettling. But we trust the contractor who is overseeing the work, and he has assured us that it will be pretty as well as functional (that was my request, LOL).
It’s a huge project, and involves removing the decrepit old seawall and placing two-ton boulders in the water along the shore. We’re not waiting until we return, because hurricane season will happen while we’re away and we need to get it done.

We’re looking forward to seeing our new breakwater when we return…and then we need to tackle some restoration on the dock
Friends And Family
Meanwhile, during the last couple of months we’ve enjoyed wonderful visits from family and friends, along with spending time regularly with our friends in the ‘hood. How lucky we are to have such incredible family and friends. They’re the best part of life.
Click on any photo for a larger view

Volunteering For The Birds
We’re continuing to enjoy participating in volunteer projects with local organizations. When I feel despair for our world, as I did when I wrote my last post after the shootings in Uvalde, I replenish my hope by spending time with friends and spending time doing something positive, even in a small way. I think it’s normal to feel distressed about the state of our world. But I also don’t want to give up on humanity. We’ve come through desperately dark times before on this earth, and I have to trust that we can do so again.

Home Projects
We’ve continued chipping away at our seemingly never-ending list of home projects. Some that we’ve been working on or avoiding (cabinet painting, lanai restoration, and studio/shop renovation) are waiting for our return. But we’ve made a lot of progress with landscaping and a million other things that I cannot even recall at this point. We need a vacation.
Click on any photo for a larger image

Three Rivers State Park
Because we left three days later than intended, we had to rearrange several reservations, cutting a couple of them short. Our first stop was only 89 miles from home, the perfect distance to get us back on the road.
Three Rivers State Park is a lovely little park, with electric and water hookups, good Verizon, and spacious sites. We loved our site (#8) with excellent views of the lake. The park is worthy of a return visit, preferably in the fall, when the weather cools down. (Thanks to our friends Shannon and Ken, who recommended the park to us.)
We left home right as a wicked heat dome moved across the country. The farther north we move, the more the temps are heating up. We were cooler at home in Eastpoint! Still, we’re excited about the journey ahead and the adventures that await. Thanks for coming along with us!

Sunset at Three Rivers State Park

We never leave when we plan to, either! Knowing this is the way we operate, I’ve learned to book our first night just a few hours away from home so we can ease back into travel mode. It’s helped to reduce those moments of frustration… ;) Your first destination sounds perfect in location and distance. Safe travels and hopefully, you’ll catch some cooler temps. We’re still in the low 50s with a gentle drizzle…
Les, I’m so glad to know it’s not just us, LOL. We’ve also learned to book our first night close to home. Actually, I book two nights, just in case we are delayed. We had to cancel one night of our first stop, but still enjoyed the beautiful, peaceful surroundings. Hard to believe it’s still in the 50s in Oregon—we had temps in the 100s in Montgomery! :-)
Wow, that was a whirlwind of things to do RIGHT as you were trying to leave. Glad you persevered and got on the road complete with new undies!
Your first stop looks so beautiful… look forward to seeing more of your adventures this summer.
Oh, it was so crazy, Brenda. I think this was the most arduous time we’ve ever had leaving home. It was SO much easier when we were full timing and didn’t have a home to deal with and a trailer to pack and unpack. But…we’re finally on the road, and happy, and I have new undies that fit, haha!!
I’m looking forward to finding out where you guys are and what you’ve been up to!
Welcome back on the road. We’ve been making some BnB road trips and it’s been nice to be it and about again. More short trips this summer and longer trips planned for 2023. So, it looks like our RV days are over, by choice, and more overseas trips to come…
Safe travels!
Thanks, Riley! I’d love to find out more about your BnB road trips. Eric and I made a few of those before we got our first trailer. And I’m looking forward to hearing about your overseas trips. That’s something we’ve been talking about. So glad to hear from you and Karen. Safe and happy travels to you two, too!
Your place is looking fabulous! Glad to see y’all out on an adventure. ❤️
I’m so glad to hear from you, Stacie! We’re happy to be embarking on an all new adventure. We’re still hoping that you and Tom will come to visit us in Florida. Maybe this winter? :-)
Glad you’re back on the road again. I know you were conflicted about putting down roots again but now you’ll have the best of both worlds. After all that hub bub and “excitement” right at the wrong time, you’ll really enjoy this time away and return with renewed vigor! Love Magnolia’s new digs! Is she an inside cat at home or does she go outside also?
Thanks for your good wishes, Sue. I still feel a bit conflicted about putting down roots, but I’m grateful that we’re in such a beautiful place and that we’re able to travel when we want to. It is the best of both worlds, isn’t it? But dang, it’s a lot of work to prepare to leave!!
Magnolia is an indoor kitty only. We want to keep her safe, and we also want to keep the birds that we attract to our yard safe. She has free run of a huge screened porch at home, so we want to make sure that we give her ‘outdoor time’ when we’re traveling, too.
I hear you…..
What an oasis of a backyard you two have made!! It’s wonderful, and those new shutters, magnificent! Let’s hope those new boulders will work while you’re gone, if a hurricane comes along. Looking forward to more photos and stories . . . .
Oh, thank you, Terri! I hope you’ll come to see us sometime! We’ve been working steadily on the house and property, and we’re happy with how things are turning out. It makes me feel good to be restoring the property that my folks loved so much. We’re hoping the breakwater will protect us if (when) we get storms.
Home and yard look amazing.
Have fun!
Aww, thank you, Katherine. I keep thinking you might come up to our area for a visit? There are so many wonderful photo opportunities. I hope you’re doing well.
A delay of three days isn’t much in the scheme of things, especially since you’ll be on the road for 4 months. All those projects you completed will be worth the hassle of the delay. The shutters and landscaping already look great, and you will be thrilled when you get to enjoy the new windows and breakwater in the fall. So glad you liked Three Rivers!
Shannon, that’s exactly what we told ourselves—we’re going to be on the road for 4 1/2 months, so three days really doesn’t matter. It did mean that I needed to rearrange our first several reservations, but it all worked out, and we have windows, and we got to see you guys in Montgomery!
We loved Three Rivers. Thanks so much for telling us about it. Maybe we all need to go there in the winter for a little getaway? Meanwhile, we’re happy to be on the road, and very happy that our paths will be crossing a few times this summer! :-)
You may have been late in leaving but at least you are on the road. House projects have kept us home but we want to make plans so we have something to look forward to. I love how Magnolia has adapted to being a road cat… she looks very content in her portable catio. Enjoy your trip and share your journey when you can.
Janis, it’s always such a relief when we’re finally on the road. And then it takes us about a week to adjust to traveling life! Although I’m sure Magnolia would prefer to be at home, we do everything possible to make her comfortable, and she does really well in the trailer. Of course, she has her cat tree, her toys, and her catio. :-) I look forward to hearing about your house projects!
I don’t imagine that you avidly follow the fashion news like I do, so you probably weren’t aware that the new trend in French-cut panties is that they should fall at approximately 12 to 14 inches above one’s natural waistline. So in fact, the pair that went up to your armpits was correctly sized. Silly girl. Well now you know. Excuse me for a moment for I think I peed my pants laughing so hard at your description….
Happy travels you three!!!
Hahahaha!!!! Janet, I’m SO GLAD that you follow the fashion news so that you can advise me about the latest fashions. I had no idea that my underwear should come up to my armpits! Seriously, that was the most insane online shopping expedition ever. What the heck happened to quality control? Hugs to you, my friend!
On the road again!Laughing at the underwear story— I didn’t bother checking the new pairs before leaving the country, just washed and packed them. Let’s just say I’m reminded daily of my mistake! 🤣 Safe travels, enjoy the Midwest.
LOL!!! I shouldn’t laugh, but I know exactly what you mean about being reminded daily of your mistake! Underwear can be pure torture! We’re excited about the Midwest, but it’s nowhere near as interesting as your travels, Leah. So glad you’re out there having such grand adventures.
OMG. underwear snaffu when you’re trying to get out the door…panties in a knot so to speak! Glad you resolved the crisis, put in windows, shutters and a sea wall all while your skivvies were bunched … all’s well that ends well!
We’re staying close to home with our “escape” bags packed including kitty accoutrements in case of fire or smoke… Both still working so learning to have fun locally, outdoors and masked! Miss you both and the laughter, good food potlucks and the collaborative art projects!
Enjoy this new adventure and keep the blog up to date so we can be more accurate in our vicarious travels with Raven and Chickadee!
Love always, Magpie and Chipmunk/ Cowboy and Sheraah the Mighty One/ Night Heron and Firefly (just trying it out for the blog from armchair travels)
LOL LOL!!! Panties in a knot, indeed! There were so many things converging at once the last couple of weeks before we left, it is a miracle that we managed to get out of town at all.
Diana, we miss you and John, always. We have such great memories of all of our years of good times together…we’re looking forward to more, and are hoping you guys are coming for a visit so that we can show you the ‘Real Florida.’ We love you guys.
Oh, my! Windows as you are planning to leave. I would have been a mess. Glad everything was done in two days. You’ll be so happy to have them completed when you return. Yes, 89 miles is a good distance to take some big breaths after your rushed beginning. Three Rivers SP looks perfect for finally relaxing. Awesome photo of Eric. Love Magnolia’s outdoor play pen! What a beautiful change in your house in a little over a year. Love the shutters!! They really dressed up the house. Cute fire pit area! Safe travels!!! Blog 1 is on time…wahoo!! Proud of you!!
Pam, it’s so crazy that the windows were installed TWO DAYS before we left. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it took us two days to clean up the mess. As you said, we’re going to be happy to have them done when we return. Right now, we’re still recovering, LOL.
We’re happy with the progress we’ve made on the house…but I think it’s good for us to get away for a bit so that we can really appreciate what we’ve accomplished. Thank you for your kind comment. Love you guys and miss you!
Look at you posting in current time!! I’m so looking forward to following your adventures this summer :-) Still bummed we’re leaving Michigan before you get here :-( Nice to have those windows all done, even they delayed you a few days. Especially nice to have all that big work done while you’re gone! Your first stop looks beautiful, hope it’s cooling off as you continue north. We jump 20 degrees in either direction in a single day here in the UP, but so far we’re mostly nice and cool! Bring bug spray :-(
Jodee, I know, it’s a miracle that I’m kinda sorta posting in real time. I’m really going to try to keep up with our travels. I still have some posts from our big 2019 East Coast tour to write about when we return in the fall, haha!! I am nothing if not tenacious.
I sure wish we could somehow meet up with you and Bill. Meanwhile, your posts are making me even more certain that we’ve made a good plan for this summer. But the bugs….not so much…maybe by the time we’re in Michigan they won’t be a problem?
I know it was frustrating to not be able to leave exactly on time, but this way, when you get back, you know you won’t be waiting on any of these big projects. The endless window saga is over, the breakwater will be in good shape, the gardens are beautiful, and you will have undies that fit. Winning all around!! Plus – you’re banging out blog posts like it’s no big thing. Love it!!
You guys are gonna have such a great summer! Stay safe out there!!
Laura, you’re right—we’re very happy that we have a couple more big projects completed (or soon to be completed). The timing, though, was insane, right in the middle of preparing for a big trip. We’re still recovering, but it was worth it. I think.
Anyway, we’re off on brand new adventures, and I’m going to do my best to stay within at least a month or six of staying up-to-date, haha!!
So happy you are on the road again we’ll be anxious to hear about your travels. Stay safe and enjoy, you will be seeing many new places!
Thank you, Penny. We’re looking forward to hearing about your adventure on the Rocky Mountaineer! We enjoyed so much having you and Tom visit us in Eastpoint. Hugs to you both!
It seems like that last week before a big trip is always hectic, but you and Eric took that tension to a whole new level with your departure shenanigans. Yikes! I’m a wreck just reading about the timing of the windows. Your reward for coping with all the extra angst will become apparent in the weeks ahead as you get your road rhythm back and start collecting photos and memories on your adventures. Enjoy every minute! P. S. Those of us who travel with reservations understand and appreciate just how much effort went into garnering those 41 reservations. That’s an impressive accomplishment – nicely done, Laurel!
Mary, you understand the effort it takes to make all of those reservations. And then to have to redo some of them…ugh! It’s never easy preparing for a big trip (or any trip), but the window installation and resulting clean-up definitely made it much more challenging. We’re still recovering and getting our road rhythm back, as you said. Thanks for your good wishes!
Thank you Laurel for this post. Your boundless energy and creativity shines through and sometimes you and Eric seem like such travel gurus to me. Here there’s a sweet honesty that reveals the work and care that it takes to make it all appear so seamless. I wish you safe travels on this adventure.
Aww, thank you, Nancy! I appreciate so much your kind comment. We do love to travel, and for the most part, our travels go remarkably well. I also have a short memory for the terrible times, LOL. We’ve had plenty of stressful events in our travels, but I tend to focus on all of the good times…otherwise, I would probably never leave home! I hope all is well with you two in Ashland.
We just took a little trip and we were both beyond exhausted with the “getting ready part” and we didn’t have new windows installed or have underwear trouble! :) But maybe we should be installing a breakwater with all the flooding that’s been going on in Montana. I truly think I could stay right here in our Montana log house all summer if the weather and smoke would cooperate. Have a great time Laurel, Eric and Magnolia and keep us all posted!
Janna, I am SO happy to hear you say that you were exhausted by the getting ready part. Not because I want you to be miserable, but because you are two of the most organized, competent people I know and it makes me feel like I’m in good company.
I understand exactly what you mean when you say that staying home sounds appealing, especially after the ridiculous preparations for a trip. But then my travel bug kicks in and I just have to get out there and explore!
It seems that schedules we used to rely on have gone out the window with COVID-19 … worse I think nowadays. Glad you got on the road even with the delay. We’ve not been to any of the states you are going to visit, so will be enjoying the trip along your side.
Erin, I’m so happy that we’ll be taking you places that you’ve not explored, because it seems to me that you two have been everywhere! And you’re right, I think everything is still strange because of COVID. That was the big factor in our window debacle.
Well, now we’re all picturing you in your underwear! LOL! Maybe you should just go commando? I don’t love clothes shopping, but I hate online clothes shopping even more for this very reason. Are you sure you got the smaller pet pen because it is smaller and not because it is PURPLE? Is your new underwear purple? Now we’re all picturing you in new, purple underwear!
A few days late is no big deal, especially since you’ll return to cooler temps, new windows, and a secure breakwall — all happy things to come home to! Here’s hoping the eastern heat wave goes away and the rest of your travels are worry-free. You’re headed for some beautiful country, and I’m excited for when you get where we were & to hear what you make of it!
Haha, NO. Do not be picturing me in my undies, Joodie! Gawd, I hope no one is. 😳 And for the record, my new undies are not purple. They are pink. And the small pet pen only came in purple, but I thought that was just fine! It matches our chairs. Truth be told, I’m suddenly getting kind of tired of purple. Shocking, I know.
We’re very happy that we got so much stuff accomplished, including some really big stuff, even though it was at a most inopportune time. We’re really hoping that the heat wave will soon abate. We’re very excited about our upcoming adventures!
Whew, reading this post made me tired. 41 reservations boggles my mind. Love the Three Rivers Sunset. It’s a Florida State Park I have not been to and it looks like I should amend that. Love the pictures of all you have done and are doing to your wonderful spot in Eastpoint where there are clearly also wonderful sunsets. Hope you are getting into some cooler temperatures by now. It is very unfair to go north and have it be hotter than at home in Florida. So glad to see you in my comments again. Thanks for trying so hard to make it happen. Safe travels up to the far north. Being a tad late may be a good thing and you’ll miss the BIG June Mosquitoes.
Sherry, when I counted up the number of reservations I made, it boggled my mind, too. It took me two months of diligently working away to get all of those reservations made. My plan is that we avoid the height of the mosquito season, so stay tuned to see if we succeed.
I was wondering if you had been to Three Rivers. It’s a beautiful park, and would be delightful in cooler weather. The kayaking looks like fun! Check out our friends Shannon and Ken’s blog for more info:
Here’s to safe travels and fun adventures now that you’re on the road again! And, yeah, that heat dome thing is crazy hot (was in KY last week). So hope you mix this week’s edition or can stay cool if you’re inside it.
Hi Annie, thanks for your good wishes! Unfortunately we’re not going to escape the heat dome. It covers so much of the country!! Fortunately we have good A/C and our campsites have been nicely shaded. And we’ve been visiting gardens with plenty of shade and a few air-conditioned museums. I sure hope it isn’t going to be like this all summer! I hope you’re staying cool!
You folks have accomplished so much since our visit. We hope we have the chance to see the progress in person at some point. Since I make all of our camping reservations, I can’t imagine the grief of having new windows installed two days before a scheduled departure. Now, that would really put my boxers in a bunch ;-).
Have a great trip and keep us posted. Joe
Joe, it seems like so long ago that you and Helen visited. We hope you’ll come back to visit…how about this winter? And this time, you can even come inside the house, LOL!! You understand exactly about the effort involved in making campsite reservations so far ahead. It’s a huge jigsaw puzzle, and it really throws things off if there are delays. Boxers in a bunch, haha!! That window ordeal was a bit traumatic.